Preparing for Your Window Replacement Project in the Spring

General cleaning, home maintenance and remodeling are on the minds of many homeowners in the spring. The coming of the spring season usually means good weather, making it the ideal time for home construction and other types of home improvement work.

If you’re considering window replacement this spring, BPP — a trusted provider of home efficiency services — shares some tips on how to ensure a successful project below.

Spring Is a Good Time for Window Replacement

In addition to the pleasant weather in the springtime, other factors also contribute to making it a great time for window replacement. The temperature, For instance, is generally neither too hot nor cold, so window installers can perform their jobs without the discomfort and hassle that come with weather extremes. Nice weather also enables them to finish projects more quickly. It helps that spring has longer days, too, as this allows the installers to work longer hours putting in your windows.

Moisture is another essential factor to consider. Spring is often dry for long periods while fall has similar weather but is usually a little rainier. That’s why window and home efficiency companies typically recommend spring for window replacement.

Preparing for Your Window Replacement Project

Your contractor will likely take care of the various preparations needed for your window replacement project. However, you can still be proactive and ask about any steps that you can take to help make the installers’  job easier.

For example, you might consider trimming nearby trees and shrubs, which could get in their way. Remember to remove curtains, sheers, blinds and other window treatments before the pros arrive. This way, they can get on with their work with as little delay as possible. Consider moving your furniture and other personal items to another area or room. Lastly, don’t forget to deactivate your window sensors.

BPP offers a range of services that will help you maintain an energy-efficient home. We perform home energy audits, heating and cooling services, and other home efficiency services. Call us at (925) 256-1092 or fill out our contact form to request a quote.