Getting Your Home Ready for the Change in Seasons

There’s no better way to greet the new season than by making sure your home is well-equipped to handle the coming seasonal changes. To do this, you’ll first need a reliable professional to conduct full home energy audits to ensure your systems are running at optimal efficiency. However, there are other steps you can take as well to get started on the path to preparing your home for cooler weather.

Let our energy experts at BPP walk you through some essential seasonal maintenance tips that will help ensure your home has top-notch energy performance.

Unclog Your Vents

You’d be surprised by how much dust filters through your vents in the span of a week. Now imagine what a season’s worth of contaminants would look like! Having your ducts and registers checked regularly by home efficiency services will not only keep your HVAC system running smoothly, it will greatly improve your indoor air quality (IAQ) ratings as well. Regular seasonal inspections should also include filter changes, although how often you’re required to do this will vary depending on your home’s needs.


Now that the colder months are just around the corner, you’ll also want to make sure your insulation is in good shape. First, check your windows and doors for areas that might need a new application of weatherstripping. Next have a professional inspect your walls for problem spots, and have any that are found fixed immediately. Remember, maintaining your home’s thermal envelope is vital to keeping heating costs down over the winter.

HVAC Maintenance

Generally, your heating and cooling units should be inspected by home efficiency companies at least once a year. However, some homes need seasonal check-ups as well to make sure that the furnace or other heating equipment is in good shape and able to handle the coming drop in temperature.

At BPP, you can trust our professionals to help keep your home running smoothly and efficiently. Give us a call at (925) 495-0054 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free quote today.