Are Your Air Ducts Leaking?

A study carried out by the Environmental Protection Agency and their ENERGY STAR® program, as well as hundreds of home efficiency companies, estimates that about 20 to 30% of heating and cooling losses in residential HVAC systems are due to  leaks in improperly-sealed duct networks.

The question is, how do you know whether or not your ducts are leaking? Our efficiency engineers at BPP list a few tell-tale signs of duct network problems to be on the lookout for.

Higher Utility Bills

Examine your gas and electric bills for the last couple of months or so. Do you notice an upward trend in your monthly utilities? If so, it might be caused by leaky ducts. When ducts are leaking air, your heating and cooling units will typically consume more power (or gas for gas-fired furnaces) just to maintain the same temperature level in your home. Consult with professional home efficiency services to determine the real culprit behind your increasing bills.

Hot and Cold Spots

Leakages can also throw your whole home’s cooling out of balance, creating areas that are abnormally hotter or colder. If you notice hot and cold spots in different rooms, it’s actually easier to determine where the leak is located. You’ll find that the ducts connected to the rooms that have the odd temperature levels are the ones which are leaking.

Dust and Broken Ducts

Sometimes problems with leaky ducts are a little more obvious. If you have ducts that are showing visual signs of disrepair or disconnection, then that’s definitely a sign that leaks are present. Additionally, for sections that aren’t readily visible, you’ll also notice an increase in dust accumulation due to the leak. The best way to know for certain if you’re suffering from a leaky duct network is to conduct full home energy audits

At BPP, we can help you optimize your heating and cooling and ensure your home is as energy-efficient as possible. Give us a call at (925) 495-0054 or fill out our online contact form to schedule an in-home consultation with our specialists and request a free quote today.