What Is the Best Thermostat Setting for Winter?

You can see significant savings on your heating and cooling bills by setting your thermostat at the right temperature. This will also ensure your family stays comfortable all year ’round.

Read on to find out the best thermostat setting for winter.

The Ideal Thermostat Setting for Winter

ENERGY STAR® says that setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) will give your home the ideal balance of comfort and energy efficiency. You can get further energy savings by lowering the temperature about 10-12 degrees Fahrenheit at night and when you’re not at home. Turning back your thermostat seven to 10 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours per day can help save you up to 10% on energy costs yearly. Raising or lowering temperatures throughout the day or not setting the thermostat to the right temperature can cost you more in the long run.

Upgrade Your Thermostat 

Today’s HVAC systems offer improved performance while using less energy. You can make the most of your HVAC system by pairing it with an updated thermostat. With a programmable or smart thermostat, you can achieve energy savings, especially when you’re away from home. Mason BPP is here for all your residential heating and cooling needs. We also offer AC, furnace and ventilation repairs.

The Best Locations for Your Thermostat

The ideal location for your thermostat is an interior wall near the center of your home. You should also take note of the most used rooms in the house where you want to maintain the highest comfort levels. Avoid placing your thermostat in direct sunlight, areas above air vents, kitchens, around doors or windows and in hallways.

Whether you need a furnace or AC repair, Mason BPP is here to help. You can also count on us for your duct sealing, energy assessment and heating and cooling maintenance. Call us at (925) 256-1092 or fill out our contact form to request a quote.