Questions to Ask Yourself Before Upgrading Your HVAC System

There are a variety of factors to take into consideration when upgrading your HVAC system, many of which relate to your home as well as your comfort level. In this blog, HVAC and window replacement contractor Building Performance Professionals shares important questions you should ask yourself before considering an HVAC system upgrade.

Do I Feel Comfortable In the Summer and Winter?

Heating and air conditioning systems were invented to create a comfortable indoor environment. If you feel discomfort during climatic extremes–if your air conditioner isn’t providing enough cooling for your home during the summer, for example—then you likely need an upgrade.

Have I Made Changes to My Home?

Have you made upgrades to your home since your last HVAC system upgrade? If this is the case, your HVAC system may be undersized. This is particularly true if a room has been converted or added. Indoor air quality testing may also be needed as the HVAC system, including the ductwork, vents and registers, was sized for the original structure.

Is My HVAC System Always Set to Maximum?

Proper sizing is important. If you find yourself needing to set the air conditioner to maximum even when it’s not really that hot outside, this is an indicator of an undersized HVAC system. A capable HVAC technician knows to first measure the house’s indoor space, then choose the right air conditioning unit based on those measurements. An oversized HVAC system isn’t good either, as it will end up short-cycling (turning on and off too often), which contributes to humidity issues and can damage the HVAC system itself.

Does My Home Have Insulation Issues?

Upgrading your HVAC system without first addressing insulation problems is like trying to fill a leaky bucket with water. To receive the full benefits of your HVAC system, the walls, attic, and fenestrations (windows, entry doors and skylights) need to be properly insulated.

If you’re not sure if your home has insulation issues, have an energy assessment performed. In addition to identifying insulation issues, a full assessment will also help pinpoint other problems that may be affecting your home’s energy consumption, such as inefficient appliances, outdated fixtures and even your own energy usage habits.

BPP is your leading provider of home air quality testing and other services. Give us a call at (925) 495-0054 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.