Noises From Your Heating System and the Causes Behind Them

It is typical for heating systems to be loud while in operation. The noises they produce can be annoying for some, but not all are aware of what they mean. Today, Building Performance Professionals, your local heating and cooling pros, talk about the weird sounds you might hear from your HVAC system and the causes behind them.

Booming Noises

Delayed ignition during startup may cause a gas furnace to produce a loud booming sound not unlike cannon fire. It is possible that carbon particles may be clogging some of the burner assembly parts. A lot of fuel gets burned during ignition as a result of this buildup. The sound is not something to worry about, though cleaning the problem components and having your system maintained can prevent this from happening again.

Popping Sounds

Sometimes, popping sounds may come out of a running furnace or heat pump. They likely come from the ducts, particularly their metal parts that expand or contract as a result of changes in temperature. Performing routine heating and A/C repair and maintenance ensures the ductwork’s continuous distribution of air without the accompanying noises.

Buzzing Sounds

Many oil- and gas-fired boilers and furnaces create buzzing sounds while they are set to “on.” More often than not, these occur due to components rubbing against each other. Apart from loose parts, it is possible that the mounting hardware isn’t secured in place, resulting in vibrations that linger when not fixed immediately.

Banging Noises

Banging noises may occur in steam radiators, especially those that fail to channel water back to the boiler properly. A sound similar to a hammer pounding on a flat surface can be heard once steam pressure penetrates through the water blockage with force.

When you hear odd sounds from your HVAC unit, consider contacting one of Building Performance Professionals’ certified technicians. We can inspect your system and perform scheduled maintenance to give you peace of mind knowing it functions well. For your ventilation repair and other HVAC services, call (925) 256-1092 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment with us.