How to Avoid Common Residential HVAC Scams

While it is a new year, some people are still up to their old tricks, including profiting from residential HVAC scams. Fortunately, it’s not impossible to avoid falling prey to unscrupulous contractors. You just need to be more careful of who you trust to take care of your heating and cooling needs.

To help you out, here are a few tips from the HVAC and window replacement experts at BPP:

Don’t Fall for Excessively Low Pricing – Saving a massive amount is always attractive to homeowners, but if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Fly-by-night companies often use this tactic to reel in customers, pulling off the classic bait-and-switch scheme. If you’re being pressured into getting any kind of HVAC service, walk away.

Bigger Is Not Always Better – To make you pay more, some contractors may try to sweet talk you into getting an HVAC system with a bigger capacity as an upgrade. There are instances where getting a bigger HVAC system makes sense, but always ask to see a load calculation to determine if you truly need to upsize your heating and cooling system.

Know Your Options – If you’re in the market for indoor air quality testing or a new heater, it can’t hurt to do a bit of research. Not only will you learn about the various options available to you, but you’ll also gain a better understanding of what each one has to offer. You don’t have to know everything, but having a basic understanding of HVAC systems and equipment will help you quickly see when someone is trying to pull a fast one on you.

With nearly 50 years of experience in the industry, BPP is the expert to trust for all your heating and cooling needs. Do you need home air quality testing? Are you looking for a new furnace? We’ve got you covered! To learn more about what we can do for you, just give us a call at (925) 256-1092 or fill out our contact form. Ask us for a quote today!