Indoor Air Quality Myths and the Truth Behind Them

Indoor air quality or IAQ refers to the quality of air inside buildings and structures in relation to the health and comfort of occupants. Many people, however, have many misconceptions about this HVAC concept. In today’s blog, the local indoor air quality testing pros of Building Performance Professionals talk about the common myths surrounding indoor air quality and the truth behind each.

Myth 1: Indoor Air Is Better Than Outdoor Air

This statement is not true at all. In fact, the air inside your home has more pollutants than the air outside. Various materials and objects give off particles that result in poorer IAQ when combined. Add to that the fact that buildings are often enclosed, and lack of air flow makes matters worse.

Proper ventilation is key to ensuring continuous indoor air circulation. Mechanical ventilators, for instance, are available to incorporate fresh air indoors. They can be integrated into an existing HVAC system or can work as standalone units.

Myth 2: Using Air Fresheners Can Reduce Bad Air

You can use air fresheners and fragrances to eliminate smells, but doing so can pollute the indoors further because of their chemical composition. In fact, it won’t react to odorless elements like moisture. Certain humidity levels help mold and bacteria to grow and spread, exposing you and your family to health problems.

You can tap us to conduct home air quality testing to pinpoint the contaminants polluting your indoor air and identify their sources. From there, we can offer solutions that can help improve IAQ for a better, comfortable living.

Myth 3: The HVAC System Is Enough to Filter Air

Many homeowners falsely believe that the air filtration components of their HVAC units are enough to clean the indoor air of pollutants. The truth is that it all depends on how efficient the filters work. While they do filter airborne particles, they don’t do a better job in blocking gaseous compounds.

To be sure your indoor air is worth breathing, contact Building Performance Professionals. Apart from ventilators, air purifiers, and other solutions to improve IAQ, we also offer window replacement to further promote natural ventilation in your home.

Don’t let these myths prevent you from achieving good indoor air quality. Give us a call at (925) 256-1092 or fill out our contact form to get started.